People of God, Welcome Home

Jesus Christ is the center of our being. Through Christ’s death and resurrection, we are saved, and it is through His grace and mercy that we carry out the mission of the church, in worship, service and love. We believe Jesus Christ is the head of the church, and we as the church act on his teachings and commandments. The mission of the church is given form by God’s activity in the world as told in the Bible and understood by faith. God’s redeeming and reconciling activity in the world continues through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

To worship God, minister to our community, and be disciples of Christ.

On January 29, 1984, an unnamed Presbyterian USA congregation met in historic Due West Community Center to hold its first worship service. Within nine months, the fledgling church had outgrown the community center and moved across the street to the Due West Elementary School. The school provided enough space for the congregation to start its very first church school program, and everyone from infants to adults enjoyed participating in the learning, worship, and fellowship.
In April, 1985, a groundbreaking celebration marked the start of the first church building. Four months later, the congregation chose the name “Kirkwood,” which means “church in the woods.”
On January 26, 1986, the congregation moved to its first church building on Acworth Due West Road. Kirkwood was constituted as a congregation in the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. on September 28, 1986.
In July 2009, Kirkwood’s founding pastor, the Rev. Vance Nesbit, retired after 24 years of service. He was followed by supply and interim pastors until August 2011, when Kirkwood called its second full-time pastor. The Rev. Catherine Renken first took the pulpit on Sept. 11, 2011.
In November 2011, Kirkwood celebrated the retirement of its mortgage with a special service.
Through the efforts and wisdom of our Planning Task Force and Session and through study of Scripture, Kirkwood continues grow spiritually and develop new ministries as we seek God’s will for our future together.

To provide quality programs to teach and spread the Word of the Lord for the spiritual, physical, and emotional development of our community.