People of God, Welcome Home

Kirkwood’s session includes three classes of ruling elders, who are ordained laypeople with responsibility for leadership, governance, spiritual discernment, and discipline. Each class is elected for a three-year term. See below for the elders' class years and assignments.
The Rev. Catherine Renken, Kirkwood pastor, serves as session moderator.
Class of 2025
Arlene Ghee - MUST, Promise House, Membership
Kimmy Kellett - Sustainability, Outreach
Gloria Melton - Fellowship, Membership
Andy Petry - Property, Accessibility
Class of 2026
Jesse Brown - Fellowship, Property
Adam Kiernan - Worship
Lori Matson - Nurture
Joseph Quattlebaum - Virtual, Stewardship
Class of 2027
David Covington - Communications, Youth, Virtual
Sally Freund - Administration
Bonnie Little - Adult CE, Finance, Outreach, Long-Range Planning
Jonathan Taylor - Worship, Children CE, Accessibility