People of God, Welcome Home
The Adult Sunday School Class meets before worship on Sundays 9:30 a.m.-10:20 a.m. in the lower fellowship hall.
Masks are required.

Kirkwood Sprouts (Pre K through 2nd Grade)
Teachers: Shannon and Debbie Fishback; substitute Serena Wailes
Curriculum: Deep Blue, a resource that includes adventure, stories, science experiments, arts and crafts, animated video stories, and active games to help children discover what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ today.

Kirkwood Kids (3rd to 5th Grade)
Teacher: Brad Renken; substitutes Serena Wailes and Carly Davis
Curriculum: Buzz, an interactive resource that helps children learn about God, and apply Biblical truths to their own lives through reading, acting, drawing, listening, singing, playing a game, etc. The class will also build relationships with each other.

Christian Generations (Adults & Teens)
Leader: Ron and Barbara Lewis
Curriculum: Focusing on book and video discussions of issues facing Christians in the 21st Century