People of God, Welcome Home
In Response to COVID-19
Spiritual and Mental Health Resources
If you are becoming overwhelmed by the current situation,
please get help.
· Georgia Crisis and Access line (GCAL) 1-800-715-4225
· Georgia COVID-19 hotline 1-844-442-2681
· CARES Warm Line 1-844-326-5400 (call or text)
· National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255·
· Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-33-HAVEN (1-800-334-2836)
· National Crisis Text Line – Text HELP to 741-74
Please note, all information listed on this page is to serve as an aid to COVID-19 Resources. Kirkwood Presbyterian Church is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by any resources listed on our website.
Kirkwood Presbyterian Church is not soliciting any purchases
or services with the organizations listed.
Masks are now optional at all Kirkwood services, meetings, and functions.
Don't forget to stop by our Facebook page by clicking the icon below.
Please let us know if you have any needs or special prayer requests during this stressful time. We are always there for you.
Links to Books,
Websites and Articles
Faithful Families: Creating Sacred Moments at Home
For all whose day starts with anxiety,
as they leave the security of home
worrying about the risk of infection
particularly those whose health
or age classifies them as vulnerable,
Loving God, be close, keep them safe,
Along with all whose tasks today
Includes the care of frail and elderly.
And for all of us, grant wisdom
To make sensible choices, not just
For ourselves, but for everyone.
-John Birch, faithandworship.com
A Prayer for healthcare workers
March 30, 2020 by Jill Duffield
Lord, you came to the world healing, touching those considered dangerous, unsafe and unclean. You entered into suffering, never turning away from those in need of mercy.
We think of you, your compassion and kindness, your stalwart love and your selfless courage, because we see these traits in those on the front lines, combating this pandemic.
We see you in the bruised faces of nurses after hours and hours wearing facemasks and tending to the sick.
We see you in the pain of parents unable to hug their own children for fear of infecting them after working shift after shift with contagious patients.
We see you, tired, putting yourself at risk for the sake of strangers.
We see you in gloves and gowns, not knowing when this scourge will end, but bringing healing, comfort and hope despite your own fears and fatigue.
Lord God, bringer of wholeness, giver of peace, strengthen your servants who are putting themselves on the line, pouring themselves out, looking to the interests of others in order to heal the sick and tend to the suffering. Help them to know they are seen and valued, not only by you, but by all of us who are grateful for their sacrifices and awed by their tenacity, commitment, skill and care.
Grant them rest, give them fortitude, guide our collective will, shape all our actions, unite us in upholding one another in this extraordinary time and always. Amen.
Media Links
This is a 25 minute Podcast from Brené Brown on Comparative Suffering,
the 50/50 Myth, and Settling the Ball
We have collectively hit weary. This is especially true for the brave folks on the front lines of this pandemic and for the people who love and support them. And, it’s also true for all of us. In this episode, I talk about strategies for falling apart, staying connected + kind, and giving ourselves permission to feel hard things. ~ Brené Brown
A licensed professional counselor highly recommends progressive muscle relaxation like in the following video .